Worship at Good Shepherd Quincy

You are invited and encouraged to worship with us! We promise to provide a warm welcome rooted in Christ’s love! Worship is our encounter with our living God who nourishes us through the sacraments, teaches us through God’s Word, and strengthens us through community.

Our Sunday worship follows the order of worship as presented by one of the Ten Settings for Holy Communion of the new hymnal of the Lutheran Church: Evangelical Lutheran Worship (Copyright 2006 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America).

We begin at the baptismal font to remember our baptisms, confess our sins and receive the promise of God’s forgiveness. With our sins forgiven, and with the full assurance of God’s love and favor, we go on to worship with glad and generous hearts. We hear God’s Word through scripture readings set forth by the Revised Common Lectionary, and through a sermon based on the readings.

Following our profession of faith using either the Nicene or Apostles’ Creeds we have a time for prayer. Individual celebrations and concerns are offered and a time for silence is maintained for people to pray additional prayers out loud or in their hearts.

After the prayers, we share the peace of Jesus Christ and receive the offering. 10% of our weekly offering is tithed to the New England Synod to support the mission of the larger church.

We then go on to celebrate the Lord’s Supper. In the tradition of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Good Shepherd practices Eucharist Hospitality. We invite all baptized believers to participate in the meal of Christ’s grace, regardless of past or current denominational affiliation. Both wine and grape juice are offered.

At the end of the service we are sent forth with the commission “Go in peace! Love and serve the Lord.”

Other worship times. In addition to Sunday morning worship, services are held on liturgical holy days. We worship at 7:00pm on Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil). At Christmas, we worship on Christmas Eve (times vary from year to year) and at 10:30am on Christmas morning.

Holiday Cheer

Holiday Cheer
Spend your Christmas with us
Santa's Helpers Feast
Season of Giving